19. hex Codes and Styling Links

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Continuing from yesterday’s introduction to CSS, we’ll do more coloring and learn more about hex codes. The color property, followed by a hexadecimal (hex) code, is for coloring texts (words). For example body { color: #000000;} means all texts (words) in the body of your page will be black.

The background property, followed by a hex code, is for coloring anything that’s not text. For example, body{ background: #ffffff; } means white background for the body.

Hexadecimal Codes
Step 1
Type the following codes under the the body{ } selector:

a:link, a:visited{
text-decoration: underline;
color: #336699;

text-decoration: underline;
color: #336699;


text-decoration: underline;
color: #336699;
Step 2

Type the following codes under a:link, a:visited{ }

text-decoration: none;

What was that for? You made sure that the link underline disappears when you hover the cursor over a link, hence, Hover in a:hover.

If you don’t want to underline by default and underline when you hover over then switch the text-decoration: value for a:link and a:hover.

If you want change the color of your link on hover then add color: and whichever hex code you want. For example:

text-decoration: none;
color: #ff0000;